It is with great pride we can announce that "Team Crossway" won the NASC Presidents Award for the "Increase provision of mental health and wellbeing"
Steve Fearnehough, Managing Director stated "we feel as an organisation we have a duty to look after the mental health of all employees".
Since Crossway have been raising awareness it has had a snowball effect. Staff have come forward and opened up about issues and it was evident that we needed to do more as an organisation.
Crossway feel better equipped now to support and signpost employees towards the help they may need and assess each case on an individual basis. Our current approach is based on three key principles:
- Equality - we promote equality by removing barriers, eliminating discrimination and ensuring equal opportunity and access for all groups of people, both within Crossway Scaffolding (Elland) Limited and externally amongst those organisations with whom we have formal relationships.
- Diversity - we accept each person as an individual. Our success and competitiveness is built on our ability to embrace diversity - and we believe that everyone should feel valued for their contributions.
- Inclusion - we create a working culture where differences are valued and where all employees have the opportunity to develop their potential. Our aim is to be an organisation where people feel involved, respected and connected to our success.
Crossway were initially looking to support a local charity Andys Man Club for 12 months (2019). Due to the locality, services offered and the great outcomes from attending that we have from our own employees, Crossway will now be proudly supporting the charity indefinitely.